Friday, July 14, 2006

bat netting at the helipad clearing

Day 4, Friday, July 14 Our first net night is a bit of a fiasco, I get pissed at Tamir for being unprofessional. Netting again in the same place as where we set our nets last night, this time we are going out with a school group of 12 girls from the UK. Our nets are already in place, we left them there yesterday. Along the way we stop off to drop some gear and I am very put off by the way Tamir speaks to the girls. He is trying to be entertaining, but is completely unprofessional, making stupid jokes that you would expect to hear from a boy in high school. Tamir and I are the same age, and his joking is definitely inappropriate with a group of young girls. He is also edgy and demanding, like he doesn’t really know how to direct others to do things, except with a crassness. We continue on to the site and open the nets. He attempts to show a slide presentation in between checking nets. It is ridiculous the amount of things he is trying to do, and as it is only my first night out, I just stand back and watch in disbelief. I decide that instead of calling him out in the middle of this event, we will discuss it at a more appropriate time. We capture a few bats, show the students, release the bats, wrap it up and hike back to El Paraiso.

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